aureliaslittleroom in Indonesia

^^ I’m home!!!!! Finally home after a month of trip here and there. It’s really good to be home, away from noise, relaxing in the garden with all cats around πŸ™‚

The trip was great, full of colors, met my family, my friends, made new friends, new adventures, new was just great! πŸ™‚ I was quite busy for the first 10 days to prepare all the necessary things for the souvenirs, glad that I had great helps from everybody πŸ™‚

My deepest thanks to everybody who helped me directly or indirectly and I was so happy from the guests’ reaction when they received the souvenir box – so happy to see the smiles when they saw it πŸ˜€

And now it’s time to share it with all of you!!


These were the preparation, boxes here and there. Even on top of piano, all materials were gathered together in living room, all out to see what’s missing >.<


I brought them with me in the room while watching series, tagging the flowers. I got help from my parents’ staffs, they helped me to cut the ribbons for the tags and boxes. It was time-consuming, but with their helps, it was just a blink of eyes.


They looked like these on the box, still without the ribbon, thank you tag and small flower to sweeten the look. The box is quite big, it’s 15x15cm made from thick transparent plastic with thick cardboard in the bottom.


After a long 4 days of working nonstop from morning till late, finally I started to see the end. With everyone’s help, the work was so much faster. One was attaching the bottom felt, the other was attaching the glass, and I was doing the last assemble, attaching flower in the box, adding candle, fix the box to close it, adding ribbon and thank you tag, and of course a simple sweet touch with small flower πŸ™‚


Β That was the last box that’s why I had to take picture πŸ™‚ so happy and it’s faster than I expected, 275 boxes in the 4th day πŸ˜€ quite an achievement!!!


Tadaaaa….. πŸ™‚ It was displayed in the party and I didn’t have time to take picture of them >.< But just to hear and see the reactions from people…I’m satisfied! πŸ™‚



aureliaslittleroom in Indonesia was a success! πŸ˜€

Thank you for each and every person who helped me through the process of making them.

Thank you for the sweet couple who chose and enjoyed this creation out of Love.

Thank you for the guests, friends, family who appreciated this small celebration gift.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

You are the best!


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