My Seedlings

Almost a month ago, I started to seed my collections 😀 – sounds very big, lol! I used to buy seed from a friend in France and I started a long time ago right after I received the package, but it didn’t work at all. So, I said that I’m going to keep it at that time, a year ago, haha! And I forgot about it (for sure!). Then a month ago, a time for a change – cleaning up the whole house and voila.. I found my seeds “bank” 😀 

Since I had good organic soil at that time, so I said that I would give it a try again! 😉


I was so excited that I started to cut pieces of paper and taped them to the stick to name the seedlings! I have quite collections! Most of all are chillies; Hungarian Hot Wax, Golden Cayenne, Habanero Orange, Scotch Bonnet, Red Cayenne, Jalapeño, Habanero White, Asian Rawit, mixed Basil, Organic Spinach, Pat Sai and Choy Sun. I still remember I planted them on May 12, 2013, with a very cheap solution – covering it with plastic film, water them regulary, and after 2 weeks, I decided to open the cover and let them be together with the garden, and they started to sprout!

So happy that every morning when I wake up, I go down to the garden with a glass of coffee and sitting in front of the seedlings, touching  and talking to them – still doing it now, 2x a day! 😀

I took the picture of its transformation 8 days ago on June 2nd, 2013 – look how it grows! Golden Cayenne and Habanero white are very slow, but it sprouted at last!


Amazing, right?! I followed them since the first sprouting until now. 3 Days ago, I started to move Mixed Basil, cause it grows so much that most of the plants have 3-4 pairs of real leaf, planted them in a row and I’m going to place the pot among the potted tomato plants for the insect repellent.


I just took the picture just now, and once again, I’m surprised on how fast they’re growing! I use nothing on them except good spring water from the mountain, peaceful environment and very low level of air pollution, I guess these are the best for the plants. I will not move them on the ground, since I have no empty ground left anymore, so I will started to use the lowest part of the garden, which is concrete base, but super full sun area and change them from empty space to potted garden space – since the best to plant the chilies are in the pot and full sun – perfect match.

I will updating my blog as much as possible now and sharing the experience with all of you. I’m still a beginner in the gardening, I made a lot of mistakes and still making mistakes, but I will keep learning until I can call myself “a little gardener” 😀

Hopefully you enjoy my writing and hope you have a great week ahead!

Happy gardening x

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