Bazaraki sto Kastro (2)

Yuhhuu…today’s great!! The bazaar was great!!! Full of vibes, good energy, a lot of smiles, laughing, and tired.. But happy! A lot of people were there, locals, foreigners, kids, adults, and of course..dogs and cats! 😀 It went really well, and I’m so happy about it..and for sure, I can’t wait for the next one.

It was really a nice day! I had my husband as my little room’s assistant (Greek translator). We had so much fun, met a lot of old friends, new friends and good friends! So lucky! 🙂


The little room is a bit messy, I brought almost everything that I have. I had my recycle garden lanterns, recycle multi purpose holders, body scrub with Epsom salt and body scrub with Sea salt (both organic products), then I had my yarn holders in the middle, yarn bowls and handmade cards 🙂

I’m tired but happy and satisfied. A lot of people made comments on the recycle items that I made, and it is showing a good sign, that there are people who care about recycling their waste! *cross my fingers*

Happy happy happy..can’t wait for the next bazaar!!!!! And thank you for the supports!!! xx


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