Visit Indonesia 2013

I’m back from holiday, back from Indonesia, back from visiting my families and friends, and back to work! Having almost 3 weeks holiday does not mean that I didn’t do anything in Indonesia. That’s completely not true lol! I did make 5 hats while enjoying my hometown, for my aunties, my sisters and my nephew! 😀 But I don’t have any proof of it, since nobody wanted to pose for me! x_x

Anyway, leave the working things for a moment. I want to share my holiday here. I had such a great times with all of my sisters, cause we always live seperately from each other, and we never have chances to see each other more than 2 days. This time, add 1 more day! 😀 We had such a great Chinese New Year celebrations, 3 days party, eating, greeting, eating, eating, and eating! Met almost all of my cousins and aunties and uncles! Such a noisy day, but filled with laughters.. I can’t share any pictures from the celebrations, cause I lost the whole file of it, I don’t know whose to blame, my computer or my Lightroom o_O

But I do have pictures from the landscapes close to my parents’ house, where my uncle took us around. Ready to hold your breath? 😀

Mount Kelud, an active volcano in Kediri region, East Java, last erupted 2007, and in its lava crater, grows a new lava dome, people called it “the son”. Here is the picture of “the son”, it grows bigger and higher, and still very active. It smells a very strong sulfur.

Despite its active status, Mount Kelud area is amazingly beautiful! So green and peaceful, the air is so fresh once you leave “the son”.

It has its own attractions, beautiful branches, trees, roots, wild flowers, it was trippy as if I was in the magic forest. Also there is a 1km stairs going down to the Sulfur Bath, formed naturally, where people can sit and enjoy the warm sulfur water from the source.

This sulfur waterfall is coming directly from Mount Kelud and it’s hot, then flowing through its banks and finally in the natural sulfur bath where people can easily enjoy it without climbing like me – to take picture! 😀

Another day, my uncle took us to a place in the middle of the forest, where there used to be white tiger. It was a long drive from the city, off-road, slippery and cliffy road where a woman lives there by her own for 45 years, living by the nature and from the nature. We parked in a very narrow off-road, and climbed slippery, muddy and steep ground for at least 10 mins due to rain. The place is very mystical, the house is very basic, the air is different, but the scenery is breath-taking!

She’s a Buddhist and she grows her own food, she has chickens and she has a very nice lady to accompany her in the daylight. But for her, she has everything cause she’s living in the nature. It’s my pleasure to meet her!

She walks through this green everyday, she’s 72 years old but she has stamina like 20s, going up and down hill everyday, visiting people who needs her advice.

Then my uncle called me and asked if I wanted to see the big Buddha, and I said yes and we climbed again. There was this very muddy path going up for 3 mins, and voila.. a small and open pagoda where the Buddha sits facing the whole village. It was so peaceful!

I had a short holiday compared to the trip that I had to take from 1 point to another point, the flight, the connecting, the transit, the driving, which was 29 hours all in (each), but I do have a great and memorable times with my families.

And now, back to where I belong, smiling and sharing it with you. Hope you enjoy the journey! Till next trips! 🙂



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