Best of 2014

I’ve been meaning to do this before the year ended, but I’ve been taking care of my other one who got fever, flu, and cough since Christmas Day, and eventually he transferred his flu and cough to me >.< so up to now, he got better everyday, and I got worse looll πŸ˜€ but I…

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aureliaslittleroom in Indonesia

^^ I’m home!!!!! Finally home after a month of trip here and there. It’s really good to be home, away from noise, relaxing in the garden with all cats around πŸ™‚ The trip was great, full of colors, met my family, my friends, made new friends, new adventures, new was just great! πŸ™‚ I…

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Early Summer Breaks!

Finally it’s here, our Early Summer Breaks overseas! πŸ˜€ *yay finally holiday is here!* Our trip will start tomorrow and we will have a long flight awaiting us, then once arrive at Jakarta, Indonesia, the fun shall begins! πŸ™‚ I have a lot to prepare and it’s done preparing! I just need to finish writing…

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{project} Wedding Souvenirs

Woops..seems like it’s been almost a month I did not write anything >.< my bad! I’ve been trying to work on the new {project} for wedding, the souvenir! This particular wedding is very special, Β since it will be my little sister’s, so I want to make it very special with its souvenir, as the respectable…

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